Miss Stacia after the breast lift:
Miss Stacia taking the extra fifteen minutes to dry at the salon:
Miss Stacia when she heard Bjork was playing three New York shows in May; first at Radio City Music Hall, then at the United Palace Theater and finally at the Apollo Theater in Harlem:
Miss Stacia after she failed to acquire tickets to any of the three upcoming New York City Bjork concerts through Bjork.com's cocktease of a presale:
Miss Stacia when she realized she had another shot on Ticketmaster two days later:
Miss Stacia recruiting troops to increase the chances of ticket acquisition:
Miss Stacia with two tickets to the Radio City show on hold:
Miss Stacia while Ticketmaster took its dear sweet time processing...
and processing...
and processing her payment:
Miss Stacia winning the Bjork fan lottery:
Bjork at Radio City AND the Apollo?!!! The Pleasure Is All Mine...
*All delicious photos from bjork.com