I am sitting on a bed covered in no less than 8 memo pads, each stolen from work, each half-filled with the foundations of ideas worth fleshing out on this digital scroll. Things are going to start pouring out of me, perhaps in a less-than-sensical timeline, but I am determined to deliver my supressed brilliance to you, my faithful reader(s).
Today some random quotes that have amassed over the past four months shall decorate my frequently neglected little corner of the blogosphere. I'll do my best to allude to context if it enchances the fun. Let's dance:
"I like your tie." - Coworker 1 to Coworker 2
"Thanks, It's a Claiborne! -Coworker 2
"If you suck at blow jobs, you suck at life." - The College Man
"I'm not yet fluent in weave." - Dazrazzle, currently obsessed with lace-fronts.
"If I'm gonna cook, I'm gonna celebrate it with a costume." - Holly, from The Girls Next Door
(This is Miss Stacia's stance on homemaking boiled down to a sentence.)
"You look sexy! And younger!" - Creepy guy I see every year in Cancun, Mexico.
(Younger than 24???)
"To look around for a real girl and not fuck around with stupid skanks." - The College Man's New Year's Resolution
"I have heartingitis!" - New York, on the I Love New York Clip Show
(One of NY's many ailments that can't be cured with a cream.)
"Your sexual shakra is dead." - A psychic (to Miss Stacia)
"No shit." - Miss Stacia (to a psychic)
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
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