Friday, March 30, 2007

All is Full of Love and Ticketmaster Surcharges

Miss Stacia if she forgets to put product in her hair before blowdrying:

no gel

Miss Stacia after the breast lift:


Miss Stacia taking the extra fifteen minutes to dry at the salon:


Miss Stacia when she heard Bjork was playing three New York shows in May; first at Radio City Music Hall, then at the United Palace Theater and finally at the Apollo Theater in Harlem:


Miss Stacia after she failed to acquire tickets to any of the three upcoming New York City Bjork concerts through's cocktease of a presale:


Miss Stacia when she realized she had another shot on Ticketmaster two days later:


Miss Stacia recruiting troops to increase the chances of ticket acquisition:

recruiting troops

Miss Stacia with two tickets to the Radio City show on hold:


Miss Stacia while Ticketmaster took its dear sweet time processing...


and processing...


and processing her payment:


Miss Stacia winning the Bjork fan lottery:


Bjork at Radio City AND the Apollo?!!! The Pleasure Is All Mine...


*All delicious photos from

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The College Man: A Year From Legal Boozin

Today is The College Man's birthday. I just called him. Shock of all shocks, he was sleeping.

In celebration of his almost-21st, Miss Raquel is on her way up to see the little bugger and I sent over a care package including a 72" inflatable monkey. Which gesture do you think The College Man will appreciate more? And what about his roomates? Will they be more excited by the arrival of Raquel, femme fatale, or Miss Stacia's plastic beast? Will The College Man even wake up today to give me the report?

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Mama Jones Kitchen Tip #43

"If you don't cook for a long time, anything you make tastes good."