Thursday, January 25, 2007

New Year's Resolution #1: Finish New Year's Resolution List

Miss Stacia's recurring New Year's Resolutions:
1. improve posture
2. floss more
3. learn Spanish
4. front a band
5. avoid unmarried pregnancy

And a Brief List of Goals for '07:
1. Choreograph tap dance to Fiona Apple's "Extraordinary Machine" (to flesh out resume).
2. Master the endless uses for the Hulk Hogan Ultimate Grill. (It bakes cookies, Brother!)
3. Perfect backup vocals/dance routine for mid-year performance of "One More Chance" at Knitting Factory's Hip Hop Karaoke. (Daz will never let me be Biggie.)
4. Pose for Robert Crumb (in France).
5. Rejuvenate Bat Mitzvah Dancing Career. (And bring back sequins.)
6. Marry hyper-cultured contemporary writer (J. Lethem?) and steal secrets of success.
7. Use Netflix movies (as coasters).
8. Write dissertation on why hip hop stars wear winter coats during performances in eighty-five degree nightclubs. (Postulation: The "ice" makes them cold.)
9. Read Gravity's Rainbow (to preschoolers as a volunteer in the afterschool program).
10. Make more lists. (Word.)

1 comment:

Vannessa Bonskey said...

That Hogan Grill is amazing!!! But is it as difficult to clean as the George Foreman? I don't like the George Foreman - took longer to clean it than to actually cook the food. In the end, it wound up in the garbage.