Greetings Danger Seekers,
While our dear Stacia is away crushing the freedom fighters of Quintana Roo, she has foolishly left me, matthew K, in charge of her blog. Now I, normally a mild-mannered and modest person, have gone mad with power and have extended my domain to include Stacey's desk at work. This turned out to be a much more boring venture than originally expected. Sure abusing Stacey's limited power at the office was fun but years of group therapy left me questioning this hollow existence. What was I doing to help humanity? How would rifling through her desk drawers honor her fading memory? How could I broadcast her final words to the world? Incidentally, her final words to me were: I'll see you next week. Don't touch my stuff. How could I commemorate Stacey's gifts to the world without having to work hard or spend any money?
Three hours and one grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation later, I was finally able to open the Stacey L. Brook Memorial Living Museum and Gift Shop. Here visitors can come and see an exact recreation of Stacey's workspace circa 2006. Our team of speedily trained yet historically accurate reenactors will guide you through a day in the life of the people of Stacia. From basket weaving to butter churning to microwave cookery, our historians have paid painstaking attention to every last detail of this people's storied culture, which seems to have mysteriously disappeared in late December of 2006.
While information is sketchy at best, our archeologists have been able to piece together bits of first hand accounts scribbled on 3M brand Post-It Notes to create a more complete idea of the final days of the society. Near as we can figure, this society's solitary export was year-end "best of" lists. Ranging among every single mentionable subject, the most prolific listographers mapped the best and brightest of the year in simple, concise columns. However, the only lists we have been able to reconstruct completely show a very different side to this well-cataloged social order; Lists that herald culture's disenfranchised, forgotten and finally-got-around-to's. The mysterious author of these lists signed only with "your pal, matt."
Five Cool Things from 2006 that apparently no one liked but me
(In No Particular Order)
1. Stranger Than Fiction
2. Built to Spill's You In Reverse
3. The Strokes' First Impressions of Earth
4. Arrested Development's Third Season
5. F Minus
Five Cool Things I found in 2006 that I was later told came out last year or earlier
(In a Very Particular Order to be Revealed at a Later Date)
1. Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia
2. Areas of My Expertise
3. Spaced
4. Stereolab
5. Stacey
(I heard 2007 is going to be lame.)
Saturday, December 30, 2006
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