Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Weddings are stupid.

Unless you’re my little sister and you want one (Rachel, we’ll discuss this later.).

Personally, I’d rather take the money that would have been spent on an excruciatingly frilly, impractical, one-time-wear-only dress, food that looks better than it tastes, thousand dollar flower arrangements that die the next day and a DJ who will inevitably play Gloria Estefan’s version of “Turn the Beat Around,” and take a month-long vacation somewhere fucking awesome. Like Greece. Yeah.

To seal the legality of the affair, the fiancée and I will pull together a jolly quorum – the fam, good friends, and maybe a cute pet or two (I can’t deny my mother the joy of dressing Shayna for the occasion) – and saunter over to Town Hall to sign some papers. When I push through the doors of the building (in a white mini-dress?) I hope to exclaim something along the lines of, “Let’s do this!” The whole thing will take ten minutes. Then everyone will head over to the bar for pitchers. No vino allowed. It’s my wedding and everyone will drink Black and Tans.

Oh, and absolutely no little kids. At all. Not at the ceremony, not at the party. Sorry, but you’re gonna have to leave the criers at home. You popped ‘em out, so now you’re responsible for figuring out what to do with ‘em while the rest of us have a good time.

N.B. I am fully aware of the possibility that in the future, love will dilute my cynicism. But it's highly unlikely.


Anonymous said...

Well I'm going to have a big, pretty wedding with a fun band, and a pretty dress, and a big, white, beautiful cake! Oh, AND we'll be doing the chicken dance! So THERE!

Anonymous said...

See, I think a lot of people start out like you, then they try on a dress, maybe a veil...and suddenly they want to have their shining day in the sun. I could be wrong about you, but I bet you at least have wine.

Anonymous said...

You're never going to find anyone anyway... (How's that for cynicism) -JC

JO'B said...

i don't care, i'm sneaking at least one bottle of wine.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you. when I get married I'm not saddling my new partner and myself with thousands of dollars of debt or the burden of traditions based in the opression of women. Nor am I wearing a dress that takes a team of three to help me pee. I may prefer a great wine to a good black and tan, and I may want a child-friendly gathering, but all in all I think we are the future of wedding celebrations. Greece...sounds wonderful.