Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The first step is admitting you have a problem.

I have been a Cocoa Krispies addict for as long as I can remember, thanks to mom and pops' lax policies regarding their children's consumption of sugar cereals. But never in my life, not even in my late-night cereal heyday (basically all of college), did I even come close to ingesting as much soggy rice and chocolate milk as I have in the past 24 hours. I estimate I've consumed about three-quarters of a box since about 9:00 am yesterday morning, which breaks down to around 12 of 16 possible servings and 168 grams of sugar (and I wonder why I can't fall asleep) in a little over 17 hours.

On the other hand, I've also sloshed down about a quart and a half of milk with my chocolate crack, so at least I'm working hard to keep osteoperosis at bay.

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